Thursday, May 28, 2009

Radical Reformission - Reaching out without selling out

This book has some really great points to make and i recommend it to get us thinking missionally. Yeah, we don't have to agree with everything it says, but hey, i am sure many people do not agree with what the GS sometimes says either, so we take it, look at it, examine it, reflect on it and then take what we can from it.
Pick up yourself a copy and give it a read. If you want to read some reviews that will do a better job than me rambling on.....go to this link:

and scroll down to the reviews.
Peace out people. If you have read this book already let us know what you think.....


  1. Well, I always agree with what the GS says.

    And until I get ordained, I always will. Ha ha ha!

  2. thats why this is a closed blog mate, invites only, just in case there are spys! hahah!

