Thursday, August 13, 2009

Church Planting - thoughts and views

Hi all,

I have a deep belief that the Australian church of the Nazarene needs to 'plant' new churches. How we go about this is the million dollar question.
What are your thoughts regarding our current church situtaion and should we be intentionally seeking ways to start new churches?
I know we dont have the pastors, and maybe we could say we dont have the 'money' but i do believe we have a mission to fulfill.
How many people would be interested in starting a new church?
How would you go about doing it?
where abouts in Australia do you think a new church plant is needed and would work?
Thoughts, ideas, rebukings?


  1. I think the key to planting a church is having someone to lead it and head it up. And I believe that a 'church planter' is a very specific type of ministry and not something that many pastors can do really well.

    So, to answer the question, I think the first step is to see who that person is for our church. Who has the very specific skill set to fulfill (what I believe to be) one of the hardest jobs for our church today?

    Then, following that we need to really think about the area and type of church, as well as the resources that we would need to make available.

    One other way I have heard of church planting being done, is to get around 10 families together, and ask them all to take on the responsibility of planting the church. When the church is big enough, they will then be able to afford a pastor, because 10 families tithing 10% equals a normal wage for the minister.

  2. fair call.
    I think looking for 'the person' may not be the best way to plant churches. This is because in our own context we will essentially 'never' find the right person.
    I believe we can start new churches in Australia with the people we have...i know, i know it sounds ridiculous, but i believe that God make things happen when his people say yes. i will type more later.
    Great idea with the 10 family idea too! It makes sense and really, 'team' ministry is where i believe the future of church is later.

