So, Are we (Australian nazarene church) in danger of losing our 'Wesleyanism' when it comes to our understanding on issues such as Bibilcal Innereancy, the Atonement, Sin, Baptism just to name a few?
With the ever increase of people from other denominations joining the CotN(which is a great thing, not a bad thing and i welcome it) we increasingly have people 'objecting' or 'misunderstanding' our churches view and stance on MANY issues which can and does divide communties of faith and puts pastors and preachers in difficult positions.
Do we, the Australian church of the Nazarene, need to educate our people about our 'Wesleyan 'views of scripture, missions and the world?
The CotN position on Scripture:
We believe in the plenary inspiration of the Holy Scriptures, by which we understand the sixty-six books of the Old and New Testaments given by Divine inspiration, inerrantly revealing the will of God concerning us in all things necessary to our salvation, so that whatever is not contained therein is not to be enjoined as an article of faith."
What are your thoughts? Are we in danger? Have we come across this in our ministry? What are the ways forward? Do we as pastors need to be 're-deucated'?
Many have 'dissagreed' with our Theological college, however, we are in desperate need (in my opinion) of some deep discussions with our people and the support and teaching from our college (which they are more than happy to help with if we pick up the phone) in our Local churches if we are to remain 'Wesleyan' at the Local church level.